
Как да почистим Браузъра? / Come pulire il browser? / How to clean the browser?

Как да почистим Браузъра от Кеша и Бисквитките? 

How to clean the browser? / Come pulire il browser?

На Български / In English / In Italiano

*** На Български ***
* Ако имате някакви проблеми във Фейсбук (качване на снимки, албуми, коментари, всякакви други странни неща!) или с други сайтове в интернет, и които не можете да разберете какви проблеми са, Винаги е добре да се почисти Кеша (Cache) и Бисквитките (Cookies) от вашия браузър!
* Почистването винаги е добре да се прави от време на време, защото уеб сайтовете (не само Фб!) са живи и постоянно променят техния код.
* След почистване на Cache & Cookies винаги рестартирай своя браузер!
* Препоръчително е също така да обновите вашия браузър с последната версия.
* По-добро решение за ползване на браузър е Mozilla Firefox или Google Chrome, след това Safari.
* Обърнете внимание, че Internet Explorer е браузърът, който винаги създава повече проблеми, отколкото другите браузъри. Не за нищо IE е браузър, който винаги дава малко по-различен изглед на уеб сайтовете и това създава много проблеми и на уеб дизайнерите!

Кеша (Cache) и Бисквитките (Cookies)  обикновено се намират в Историята на браузъра и трябва да се следва следната схема:
°История° ==> °Почисти Последната История° ==> °Почисти Кеша и Бисквитките°
°History° ==> °Clear Recent History° ==> °Clear Cache & Cookies°

Проверете версията на вашия браузър и по-долу намерете начина как да почистите  Кеша (Cache) и Бисквитките (Cookies)!
(Описанието долу е на английски, но се надявам да успеете да се справите).


*** In English ***

* If you have any problems in FB (upload photo, album, comments, any other strange things!) or in internet, that you cannot understand what it is the problem, it is always good to clean Cache and Cookies of your browser!
* Cleaning is always good to make from time to time because the web sites (not only FB!) are alive and they are chancing their code all over the time.
* After Cleaning Cache & Cookies always relaunch your browser!
* It is advised also to upgrade your browser to the last version.
* Better solution to use browser is Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome, then Safari.
* Take in consideration that Internet Explorer is the explorer that always makes you more problems than other browsers. Not for nothing IE is the browser that have always a little different view of the web sites and that makes lost of problems to web designers!

Find the version of your browser below and Clean Cache & Cookies!


*** In Italiano ***

* Se avete problemi di FB (upload di foto, album, commenti, tutte le altre cose strane!) o in internet, che non si può capire che cosa è il problema, è sempre bene pulire Cache e Cookies del suo browser!
* La pulizia è sempre bene fare di volta in volta perché i siti web (e non solo FB!) Sono vivi e cambiano loro codice tutto il tempo.
* Dopo la pulizia Cache & Cookies rilanciare sempre suo browser!
* Si consiglia inoltre di aggiornare il browser all'ultima versione.
* Soluzione migliore per utilizzare il browser è Mozilla Firefox o Google Chrome, dopo anche Safari.
* Prendere in considerazione che Internet Explorer è explorer che fa sempre più problemi che altri browser. Non per nulla IE è il browser che fa sempre un po 'diversa visione dei siti web e che fa sempre tanti problemi dei web designer!

Trovate la versione del suo browser in basso e fare pulizia del Cache & Cookies!
(Soluzioni sono in Inglese, ma spero che si capisce abastanza).


Google Chrome  
1. Click on "Tools"
2. Choice "Clear Browsing Data"
3. Choice up on the following items: "All"
Choice "Delete Cookies" & "Clean Cache" (if you want something else also)
5. Now click on "Clear Browsing Data"
6. After relaunch Google Chrome.

Mozilla Firefox 1.5 for PCs
1. Click "Tools" and select "Options" on the Firefox menu bar.
2. Click the Privacy Icon on the Option menu bar to open the Privacy Properties.
3. Click "Clear" across from the Cache option.
4. Click "Clear" across from the Cookies option.
5. Click "OK" to return to the browser main page.
6. Exit and relaunch the browser.

Mozilla Firefox 1.5 for Macs
1. On the "Firefox" menu bar, click Firefox and select "Preferences" in the dropdown menu.
2. On the Preferences menu bar, click the Privacy Icon to open the Privacy properties.
3. Click the "Cookies" tab. Select "Clear Cookies Now" to clear cookies.
4. Click the "Cache" tab. Select "Clear Cache Now" to clear cache.
5. On the Firefox menu bar, click "Firefox" and select "Quit Firefox."
6. Relaunch the browser.

Mozilla Firefox 2.0 for PCs
1. Click "Tools" and select "Options" on the Firefox menu bar.
2. Click the Privacy Icon on the Option menu bar to open the Privacy Properties.
3. In the Cookies section, click “Show Cookies” and then “Remove All Cookies.”
4. In the Private Data section, click on “Settings” and make sure the box next to “Cache” is checked before selecting “OK.”
5. Click on the “Clear Now” link. 6. Exit and relaunch the browser

Mozilla Firefox 2.0 for Macs
1. On the Firefox toolbar, click "Tools" and select “Clear Private Data.”
2. Make sure that "Cache" and "Cookies" are selected.
3. Click on “Clear Private Data Now.”
4. Exit and relaunch browser.

Mozilla Firefox 3.0 for PCs
1. On the Firefox toolbar, click "Tools" and select “Clear Private Data.”
2. Make sure that "Cache" and "Cookies" are selected.
3. Click on “Clear Private Data Now.”
4. Exit and relaunch browser.

Mozilla Firefox 3.0 for Macs
1. On the Firefox toolbar, click "Tools" and select “Clear Private Data.”
2. Make sure that "Cache" and "Cookies" are selected.
3. Click on “Clear Private Data Now.”
4. Exit and relaunch browser.

1. Open Safari.
2. Select "Empty Cache."
3. Click "Empty" on the "Are you sure" message box.
4. Exit and relaunch the browser.
5. To delete your cookies, select preferences, then click on: "security" tab->show cookies->remove all

Internet Explorer 6.0
1. On the Internet Explorer Tools menu, click "Internet Options."
2. The Internet Options box should open to the "General" tab.
3. On the "General" tab, in the Temporary Internet Files section, click the "Delete Files" button.
4. From the same tab, select "Delete Cookies."
5. Click "Close" and restart the browser.

Internet Explorer 7.0
1. On the Internet Explorer Tools menu, click "Delete Browsing History."
2. In the Temporary Internet Files section click on "Delete Files" and select "Yes."
3. In the Cookies section click on "Delete Cookies" and select "Yes."
4. Click "Close" and restart the browser.

Internet Explorer 8.0
1. On the Internet Explorer Tools menu, click "Internet Options."
2. The Internet Options box should open to the "General" tab.
3. On the "General" tab, in the Temporary Internet Files section, click the "Delete Files" button.
4. From the same tab, select "Delete Cookies."
5. Click "Close" and restart the browser.

* Надявам се, че сега имате по-малко проблеми. Успех!
* Spero che ora avete meno problemi. Buona Fortuna!
* Hope now you have less problems. Good Luck!


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